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American Royals By Katharine Mcgee


Are you a fan of castles, royals, gossip and fiction? If the answer is Yes then you are going to love this book cause its the perfect combination of our beloved chic-flicks like Princess diaries, The gossip girls and The Crown.

Having said that I would still recommend that if you decide to read this book then you would have to start with no expectations in mind to really enjoy this book. There are mixed reviews about the plot, the storyline, characters and the vicious interactions between them. Personally, I feel that the fictional stories needs to be given some levy for not adhering to the bland reality of life and have freedom of exploring the highs and lows of imagination driven storyline. 

The storyline is broken in four perspectives for one of each of the four protagonists and all perspectives are interweaved into each others lives so delicately that the reader gets the feel of their emotional attachment/detachment with each other and how they interact with the rest of the world. 

My only disappointment with this book is how the self-centered life is justified for the Royal teenagers while personally I feel that everyone has a choice to live the life they want, specially in the privileged society. And its high time, the stories stop glorifying the naivety and vulnerability of the privileged ones and make them responsible of their actions.

This 448 pages book is a perfect palette cleanser if you have been reading serious stuff and want a light read that keeps you hooked on till the last page.

Favorite quotes from the book

“Who said anything about forgetting? The point of forgiveness is to recognize that someone has hurt you, and to still love them in spite of it.”

“That was the thing about success, it could be even more draining than failure.”

“All she knew was that one day she woke up and her love for him was simply there, like newly fallen snow. Maybe it had been there all along.”

“The only people free from censure are people who’ve never taken a stand.”

Link to the Goodreads rating for the book


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